Kiryat Sefer

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Kiryat Sefer (Hebrew: ####) is a neighborhood in the city of Modi'in Illit.


Population 78000

Rabbonim: Rabbi Kessler

Shuls: Litvish, Hassidish and Sfardi

Chinuch Hariedi

Groups & Programs: Nashei, and Program for Women past 50-many English speakers

Geography & Climate Low hills

Housing: apartments, and small units for rental

Transportation: very good bus transportation to Jerusalem and Bnei Brak daily. Some daily buses to Beit Shesmesh, Beitar, and Elad.

Employment: Lots of opportunities for English Speaking women

Shopping: modest shopping available.

Medical Services: Very good services for a small town. inc emergency services

Community Codes and Standards: only Hariedi.

Absorption: a very big Anglo community.

Why Kiryat Sefer? Kiriat Sefer is a great place to learn the ropes, as the Anglo community is very big and there are a lot of options for both women and Men in terms of Kollelim
