Ramat Beit Shemesh Daled

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Ramat Beit Shemesh Daled is a new neighborhood in Beit Shemesh which is currently finishing construction. There are many empty apartments available for rent at a reasonable prices.

There is a community directory over here


Please see this video about the neighborhood and its Anglo community.


Bnei Aliyah Flyer
Bnei Aliyah

The current population is mostly young couples.

The neighborhood is mostly Israeli, however there are 150 Anglo families in the neighborhood. There is a wonderful English speaking community called Bnei Aliyah (KBA) . The neighborhood is close to Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef and Gimmel which also have sizable Anglo communities (about five minute drive).


The community recently appointed Harav Yehoshua Frankenhuis Shlita as Rav of the Kehilah. In addition to the regular drashos and chizuk, he is available to guide and advise all members of the community in all areas. He can be reached by email: yfrankenhuis.heichalhatorah@gmail.com.


The Anglo community received a plot of land from the Iriyah (municipality) and have recently used it to build a nice shul. The community is called ק"ק בני עליה.

There are many shuls all over the neighborhood. A mix of Chassidish and Litvaks.


There are many schools being opened in the neighborhood. The neighborhood is also close to the schools in Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef.

Groups & Programs

Geography & Climate

The neighborhood overlooks the Nachal Yarmut Park.

RBS Daled is close to RBS Aleph, a full fledged city neighborhood with all the needs of a Chareidi family. For comparison, it’s like Boro Park and Flatbush, or Lakewood and Toms River. Residents living in the neighborhood have all their amenities “at their doorstep”

The neighborhood is built on a beautiful hill and there are many steps, shortcuts, and paths to other areas. In addition, there are many landscapes, parks, and greenery which beautify the place and at the same time give children the space to let out their energy in a creative and safe setting. There are well maintained beautiful parks with things for kids.

During the summer, the weather is hot and in the winter it's cool. It doesn’t get to the point of freezing and the area is not particularly humid either.


All brand new. Spacious apartments with nice views.


There are currently a few bus lines to the neighborhood: 6, 21, 23, 885, 600, 616 and 619.


Many women either work out of the area and organise hasa'ot or work from home as programmers, graphic designers etc.


There are many stores such as bakeries, clothes, supermarkets, home stores, natural health, DIY materials, groceries and cosmetics.

Community Codes & Standards

The community is very mixed with many different types and standards.

There are multiple Chassidish kehillos as well as a full variety of Litvish shuls.



Yehonoson Fonteijn is organising the Anglo community in the neighborhood. He can be contacted at: yehonoson@gmail.com or +972527077198 for all information about the community.

Join the community email list by contacting liomilev@gmail.com.